Live Authentictly 

(Health & Wellness Counsel, ChildBirth Education, Lactation/Breastfeeding support)



Living authenticaly means finding the balance in your life that is aligned harmoniously with your wellbeing and aspirations. At lifeSprk we work with you to find that balance through personalized wellness and health counseling approach for sustainable change based on your goals and desired life style include but not limited to below:

~Physical Wellness
~Mental/Emotional Wellness
~Health Education
~Sleep Hygiene
~Role Integration & balance

Not sure where to start, make the call for a free consultation- 10 minutes.


On a ChildBirth journey? We will work with you to prepare for a calm, positive birth experience and beyond>>>

Benefits include:

-Satisfying and postive experience!
-Less Fear approaching birth 

-Fewer interventions and surgical births
-Decreased use of oxytocics or AROM
-Shorter 1st and 2nd phase of labor
-Fewer pre-term and low-weight babies
-Lessened or eliminated need for Pain relievers
-Happier and more content mothers & babies
-Babies alert; able to latch & nurse almost immediately
- Lower risks for postpartum depression or anxiety


Breastfeeding dicussion should start during prenatal, and should be strengthened once the baby is born when feeding starts. There is more to the physical act of feeding the baby, breastfeeding offers a lot more benefits to mother, baby and family unit.  In recogition of the challenges support is a call away, make the call for a free consultation- 10 minutes.

Here are some Do's & Don'ts. 

Do Trust your body's abilities to produce enough milk for your baby.
Do increase calories up to 500kcal/day.
Do feeding or pump at least every 2-3 hours
Do practice the basics: Hydration, adequate sleep, healthy nutrition, and gentle movement

Don't neglect your emotional and mental needs.
Don't heavily rely on supplements to boost milk supply.
Don't forget to label the storage bags AM/PM.
Don't risk your milk supply with weight loss goals.
Don't give up, it is never too late.

silhouette of woman raising her right hand